Like all languages, the Valencian language also has its own typical characteristics in its spelling.Here I show some examples of these different characteristics in the use of the Valencian language.or more information, please visit the section “Ortografía de la lengua valenciana” on the website of the Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana.



The valencian CH. It can be seen that this typical feature of the Valencian language was already used in Valencian Romance 1000 years ago. In Valencian, the voiceless palatal affricate phoneme [č] has always been written with CH at the beginning and inside words between vowels and after consonants.

Exceptions: At the end of the word we write the sound [č] with IG or G (Puig, Elig, Barig, vaig, veig, goig, roig) and the sound [k] with CH in village names and traditional surnames (March, Albuixech, Albiach, Alberich, Doménech).

chaval Chilches chispa chunga Muchamel charrar fardacho chicotet orchata chirlo carchofa chòfer archiu carchot Chella facha chona bochí borracho chiste clochina choc Corachá chop chocolate chiringuito acachar chulla Orcheta churra chuplar flecha acha racha mecha chica chistera coche China chiular Chile chavo Barcheta Bechí Chert Chirivella Chodos Chiva Chestalgar Chulilla Chest Lluchent Portichol Benitachell Vilamarchant chafar chalar chacal choc chufa ¡Che! puncha chiquet

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian does not use TG, it uses G! Some examples of the use of G in the Valencian language here.

mege viage homenage fege massage ferrage llinage MONGÓ parage herege rellonge garaig juge ultrage hostage formage corage ROGLÁ I CORBERA afegir

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian does not use TJ, it uses J! Some examples of the use of J in the Valencian language here.

pluja plaja desijos ventaja suja mija jujar mijà llonja pijor mijanit desijat enujar polija llejor enujat homenajar ventajós allojament desijable desencorajador correja

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian does not use TZ, it uses S or C! Some examples of the use of S or C in the Valencian language here. In Valencian, TZ is only used in some words where it sounds “T-Z”, such as dotze, tretze, setze,…

vocalisar llegalisar realisacio autorisat realisar ionisar horisó almagasén bocina cotisar polemisar polarisat poetisar paralisar organisar maximisar localisar utilisar exorcisar finalisar

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian does not use TLL, it uses L or LL! Some examples of the use of L or LL in the Valencian language here.

vela rollo billet bolletí tilde mòle velatori velar armela rallador molura enrollat bolleta armeler velada subrallat desenroll tildar bula desvel milralles

Unlike Catalan, Valencian does not use MPT, it uses NT! Some examples of the use of NT in the Valencian language here.

pronte conte tentat exent atent tanteig síntoma suntuós reconte atentat assunt tentació presuntiu deconte asintòtic contagotes contabilisar

In contrast to the Catalan language, the Valencian language does not use the ending ESA, but EA! Some examples of the use of the EA ending in the Valencian language here.

llegea realea naturalea noblea destrea tristea fortalea delicadea riquea bellea durea perea deixadea proea grandea sutilea purea gentilea franquea altea

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian does not use the inchoative increment with EIX, ESC or ISC, but with IX and IXC! Some examples of the use of IX and IXC in Valencian here.

!Vixca¡ naixc naix naixem naixeu naixquen creixc creix creixem creixen servixc servix servixen aclarixc vixc patixc patix patixen partixc partix partixen assistixc acodixc seguixc seguix seguixen seduïxc oferixc oferixquen destituïxc transferixc reunixc dividixc dividix dividixquen contribuïxc dirigixc

In contrast to the Catalan language, in Valencian, in many cases the I is not used, but the Y! Some examples of the use of Y in the Valencian language here. The rules for the use of the Y are, in the initial position of the word before a vowel, in the digraph NY, before -ecc-, -ect- in the words proyecte and derivatives, at the end of the word in the names of towns and surnames that have it by tradition.

ALBORAYA yo ya ALCOY AYELO DE MALFERIT ALDAYA ARANYOL AYORA BENIFAYÓ MONTROY AYACOR yat yayo yaya yodo yogurt yuca proyecte trayecte proyectil proyecció

In contrast to the Catalan language, the Valencian language does not use the geminated L, L-L. Only the L is used! Some examples of the use of the L in the Valencian language here.

película colecció colege célula colega bèlic celo cela anular colocar coliri camil apelar colagen aludir alegar colisió coloquial colapsar celulosa capilar cancelar

In contrast to Catalan, Valencian never uses B, D and G endings, but P, T and C endings. A good mnemonic rule for these endings is: in Catalan BoDeGa – in valencian PeTanCa. You can see some examples of the use of Valencian words ending in P, T y C here:

biòlec patòlec meteoròlec radiòlec teòlec cup aljup vert verp nort acort sanc fanc recort Madrit Valladolit Eduart Bellreguart llarc amarc àrap assarp Alfarp Bicorp Sogorp mossàrap sicòlec







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