We offer the latest issues of the magazine “Comarques Valencianes – Informatiu Cultural Valencià”, of the ASSOCIACIÓ CULTURAL DE LES COMARQUES DE L’ANTIC REGNE DE VALÉNCIA. You can read and download them. Of course everything is written in valencian language in Normas de El Puig.
The Cultural Association of the Counties of the Old Kingdom of Valencia is an association that was constituted as such in 2022 with the clear objective of working for the dissemination and cultivation of the Valencian language and culture.
With illusion and solid foundations we will start a path that we want to be always at the service of Valencia (“the nation of which we are natives” to paraphrase the words of Joanot Martorell in the prologue of Tirant lo Blanch) and of the signs that identify the Valencian people.
We are moved, above all, by the desire to work to achieve a Valencian society in which everyone can fit and which integrates the most diverse sensibilities, as long as this does not imply losing our own signs of identity, which we consider basic as defining elements of our personality.
A task that cannot be carried out with the Valencian people’s backs turned, nor without their collaboration; that is why we want to direct our actions to all Valencians with the intention of making them aware of the importance of becoming clearly aware of what we are as a people, in order to be protagonists in the construction of our own future.
To the newcomers who have decided of their own free will to become part of the Valencian society, with the consideration that their culture of origin deserves and the greatest respect for their individual freedom, we encourage them to integrate, making our values, our symbols and our most genuine manifestations their own.
In short, the Cultural Association of the Counties of the Old Kingdom of Valencia does not renounce tradition, which has made the Valencian people itself throughout history; nor does it renounce building a present and a future in which it continues, we continue, to be a people.
On this path we find ourselves with those who do not despise what is Valencian, those who do not try to supplant our cultural identifiers and those who are heirs to a social structure and a civic spirit that made the Valencian people a free, dynamic and proud society, admirable and admired in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Our modest contribution to the ambitious work described above consists of the organisation of gatherings and debates, the organisation of conferences, educational and recreational activities, and the production of a publication that we hope will fulfil the educational and informative mission that we have assigned to it.
Jaime Orts y Mascarell
President of the Asociación Cultural de las Comarcas del Antiguo Reino de Valencia and Academician of the Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana corresponding for Crevillent.